I lift up my eyes to the hills…

Ps. 121:1-2 - "I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth."

Last week Cianan and I were able to visit Devil's Tower in eastern Wyoming. It was amazing to crest a grassy hill and observe this incredible, 867 foot tall, geological feature appear on the horizon more than 15 miles away! It was like a visual magnet, holding our attention as we traveled toward it. It was even more impressive when we arrived at the ranger station to hike around the circumference of the tower.

However, at the trailhead, something else caught my eye. We read a sign that said, "Please do not disturb prayer bundles." As we walked around the tower, we saw bright, colored fabric tied to trees, blowing in the wind. I decided to find out more about these prayer bundles when we got home.


Taste & See That the Lord is Good!


Let Steadfastness Have its Full Effect