You’re Not Able to do it Alone

Ex. 18:17-18 - "Moses' father-in-law said to him, 'What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.'"

I can barely begin to imagine what Moses' Day Planner must have looked like as he faced the monumental task of judging an enormous family of ungrateful, distrustful malcontents who were facing a long, hot road trip. His day started before he got up and continued after he went to sleep at night. His father-in-law was right, Moses needed help in a serious way! So they selected multiple men to oversee matters that they were qualified to address.

I'm sure you have noticed the incredible dry spell in the Bible Reading Blog posts as well as the lack of updates to the Men's Weekend Bible Study website. After talking with my wife, the elders here at Avon Heights and others close to me, like Moses, I have concluded that "I can't do it alone." Also like Moses, God has surrounded me with Godly brothers who can help carry on while I figure out how much I can do. So, here are the plans for right now:

1) The 2010 MWBS has been scheduled for Oct. 1st-2nd. I have contacted a few men who have agreed to take over the planning and scheduling of speakers for this year. I will be involved in a much less public way, but Lord willing you will still see me at the weekend joining you in classes. As soon as the topics and speakers are locked in you will receive an email so you can register. At the end of 2010 these men and I will get together to evaluate how things went and see where we need to go from there.

2) I am looking into having the website hosted and managed by some other Christian brothers who have talent in that area. I have been basically learning what I needed to as I made the site, which took a lot of time. There are men who already have these skills that can do it much better and more efficiently than I ever could. So there should be some updates to the website soon.

3) The Bible Reading Blog is something than I would like to pick back up and continue. It is so helpful to me to have to think about what I am reading and make personal application and then attempt to word it way others can understand. Again, I have some friends who are also making it a habit to write brief posts about their daily Bible readings, so I should have some help shouldering that load as well.

Please pray for me in the upcoming weeks as I seek to better balance my priorities as a husband, father and brother in Christ and as some of these changes take place. I am excited at the lessons God has been teaching me and my family in the last several months. I am so grateful for all of the talented and willing servants God has brought into my life. Like Moses, I know that I'm not able to do it alone. But by God's grace, and with your help, some great things will continue to happen and will get done even better than I can do it! Thank you all for your continued friendship and encouragement!

Your humble and grateful brother,

Jeremy Dehut

(Originally posted 4/6/10)


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